Today was another fun day of working out. Well, fun is relative to what else you could have been doing at the time. Sleep was one of those things this morning that sounded WAY better than getting up and going to the gym, but I went anyway, and was glad I did.
Brad has a new client working out with him now, the guy won a contest and Brad is giving him a free 12WC-HD, under the condition that he gets to take pictures and track his progress online. Jason did a wonderful job this morning, but while Brad was taking pics of Jason he also got a few of me (below):I'm only including one picture because it was the only one that didn't turn out too blurry. I guess putting pics up of myself working out is rather strange, but I'm doing it anyway. Sort of to prove to all of you doing this journey with me that I actually do work out and don't just tell stories for my own gratification (well not only for my own gratification).
Quick note, I'm not trying to scare a small child in the above picture. My face suggests otherwise, but that wasn't intentional. I actually remember thinking, "Man, I hope these pictures don't make me look like a total freak." Guess that wish didn't come true.
Jared and Britt moved out this week. Well I say moved out, Jared moved some of his stuff (like his HD TV) and left lots of other things in the house. Britt went to Nebraska for 3 weeks to walk oil pipeline. The house has been a strange place these past couple of days with just Sandefur and myself occupying the once crowded confines. It's good though. I'm trying to become more independent and self motivating (like trying to go to other houses and not just make them come to me).
That's what this week has been about. Does this small amount of stuff justify a blog post? I'm not sure, but you got one anyway.
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